朱祥兵 博士 (博士后)简介
信息来源:发布日期: 2018-11-22浏览次数:
朱祥兵,男,讲师,1980年12月生,2009年7月毕业于兰州大学化学与化工学院,获理学博士学位。研究方向为分离富集与现代光谱分析。2013年12月-2015年12月曲阜师范大学师从王桦教授从事博士后研究工作(已出站),研究课题为多功能中空材料在环境和医学方面的应用。近年来在Talanta,Microchim Acta,Microchem. J.International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry,Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology等国际学术期刊上先后发表SCI论文10余篇,主持山东省自然科学基金1项。
1. Xiangbing Zhu, Yuemei Cui, Xijun Chang, Hua Wang*, Selective Solid-Phase Extraction and Analysis of Trace-Level Cr(III), Fe(III), Pb(II), and Mn(II) Ions in Wastewater Using Diethylenetriamine-Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes Dispersed in Graphene Oxide Colloids, Talanta, 2016,146, 358-363.
2. Xiangbing Zhu, Xijun Chang, Yuemei Cui, Xiaojun Zou, Dong Yang and Zheng Hu Solid-phase extraction of trace Cu(II) Fe(III) and Zn(II) with silica gel modified with curcumin from biological and natural water samples by ICP-OES, Microchem. J. 86 (2007) 189-194
3. Xiangbing Zhu, Dong Yang, Xijun Chang, Yuemei Cui, Zheng Hu, Xiaojun Zou Selective solid-phase extraction of trace Fe(III) from biological and natural water samples using nanometer SiO2 modified with acetylsalicylic acid, Microchim. Acta 161 (2008) 115-122
4. Xiangbing Zhu, Yuemei Cui, Xijun Chang, Xiaojun Zou, Zhenhua Li Selective solid-phase extraction of lead(II) from biological and natural water samples using surface-grafted lead(II)-imprinted polymers, Microchimica Acta 164(1-2) (2009) 125-132
5. Yuemei Cui, Xijun Chang, Xiangbing Zhu, Xiaojun Zou selective solid phase extraction of trace cadmium(II) and lead(II) from biological and nature water samples by silica gel-modified-ofloxacin, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 88(12) (2008) 857–868
6. Xiaojun Zou, Yuemei Cui, Xiangbing Zhu, Zheng Hu, Xijun Chang Preparation of morin modified nanometer SiO2 as a sorbent for solid-phase extraction of trace heavy metals from biological and natural water samples, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology 50(1) (2009) 35-43.
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